What Would You Do If You Weren’t Afraid?

What would we do if we weren’t afraid?

We would stake our hope, with unequivocal zeal, on a government that will leave no one behind.

We would wager our future, with unmistakable confidence, on an administration that will always seek better ways of doing things.

We denounce and reject any attempt to deform our future with lies, incompetence and corruption.

We empathize with our tired nation as we too yearn for a leadership of truth, competence and transparency in the service of the last, the least and the lost.

And we pray that God grants the Filipino people victory.

May He permit a Robredo presidency.

What would you do if you weren’t afraid?

On foreground, JDSM Javier Design Studio – Manila’s 158th project, The DLS-CSB Hub of Innovation for Inclusion.

Art work credits to Vinz Rodriguez.

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